How to Write 30 Blog Articles in 30 days
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Do you want to write 30 blog articles in 30 days? It is totally possible. There are many ways to do it. But it doesn’t have to be hard.
I believe it’s possible to write 30 excellent blog articles with a minimum of time and effort. You can write a blog post in 1 to 2 hours. It’s about working in the flow and focusing on nothing but the writing.
Read on to find many tips on how to write 30 blog articles in 30 days. Some of them may work for you, others may not. Pick the ones that will help you in your blog writing journey.
Meditation helps you clear your mind and come up with ideas. The ideas then come straight from the heart and you find you write without having to think. I find I have to meditate for about 20 to 30 minutes (sometimes longer) and then the ideas appear. The topic for this article came after a meditation session.
If meditation isn’t your thing, try going for a walk, taking a shower or just sitting and quietening your mind. Ideas often hit me in the shower when I’m not directly thinking about blogging!
Type Directly into WordPress or Whatever CMS You Use
If you’re typing your blog post, just write directly into WordPress. You can then format your work as you go along, saving you time.
Use Pen and Paper If the Urge Arises
Sometimes I use pen and paper to write my blog posts, especially if I get the urge to write and if I’m not able to access a computer. I then photograph my work with Google lens (it’s free to download the Google app lens on your phone) and convert it into text which Google copies straight onto my Chromebook. It’s not perfect, I have to go through and correct spelling errors. However, it saves me typing it all out from scratch.
The glorious thing about pen and paper is that you can write anywhere. This is excellent especially if the weather is great but you don’t fancy sitting indoors in front of a laptop or computer screen.
Don’t Worry Too Much About Pictures at this point
If you feel your blog post needs a picture, by all means add it. However, spending hours researching pictures is going to eat up a lot of writing time as well as your motivation. So if you’re aiming to get 30 articles done in 30 days, don’t worry too much about adding pictures. You can always come back at a later date to add pictures and diagrams.
If you add any pictures, Canva is a great resource for quickly choosing one or two. Canva has a free version so you can try it out, but I love the paid version as there are hundreds of brilliant pictures and templates you can use for your articles. Just change the text on the templates for your own articles, so you don’t have to worry about spending ages on design.
Forget social media
Don’t worry about promotion on social media at this point. The aim is to just write. You can promote your writing later on. Social media will take up a huge amount of time. If you write good stuff Google may even pick up your work. If not, you can get others to read it later. You can spend the following 30 days promoting the 30 articles you’ve written once you’ve completed them.
Learn to touch type
If you can touch-type you will write your words much more quickly.
Write what you know
Write about stuff you already know about. Otherwise, you’ll need to do research which will eat into your time.
Don’t force yourself to write
If you’re tired or just don’t feel like it, don’t make yourself write. You will write so much more quickly if you write when your fresh, alert and excited about what you’re writing. If you’re tired, have a nap or meditate and then write once you feel refreshed.
Get into the Flow
It’s important to get into the flow when you are writing. If you must sit and think for long periods, stop! Have a break and come back to your blog article later. It might be you’re tired and need a break or you’re writing about the wrong topic to get you in the flow. When you come back, you may have a fresh perspective on what you’re writing.
Don’t Be Scared To Discard Some of Your Writing
If you find you are struggling to write a blog post, let it go. The way to write blog posts quickly is to get in the flow. You can always come back to it later but don’t be scared to discard it altogether. In the time it takes to finish an article when you are not in the flow, you could have written 2 or 3 more inspiring articles.
Write What You’re Currently Experiencing
What problems are you facing in your life? What are you doing to solve them? What experiences are you having? What products are improving your life? What books and apps do you love or are you experimenting with? Whatever is currently happening in your life can make a good blog post.
Write what you are learning
Write what you are learning about. As you write, you will learn the material at a greater depth. Not only could this material help other people, but it could also help you as well.
Write what you are excited about
What excites you? This is what you should be writing. It will come across in your writing if you are passionate about a topic.
Don’t worry about being an expert
Whatever you write about, you don’t have to be an expert. You can write for yourself and for people who are at the same level you are. I write a lot of blog articles but I’ve never written 30 blog posts in 30 days…yet!! Sorry to disappoint you. This article is actually being written for myself to see if I can do it. But I’m putting it out there to see if it will help other people who want to do it as well.
Let Go Of Perfection
Just remember every blog post doesn’t have to be the best blog post ever. If you’ve enjoyed writing it, it’s already done its job. If other people enjoy reading it or get something from it, this is a bonus.
Have a read through and make sure that the spelling and grammar are correct. But don’t obsess over having it written perfectly. This will take up so much of your time. Don’t obsess about if you’ve expressed yourself in the best possible way – just write so that’s it good enough.
Don’t Worry About What People Think
Some people will resonate with your work. Other people won’t. Don’t decide on what you’re going to write and publish based on what other people’s judgements are going to be. Not everybody is going to like it – get used to that. If you worry about the majority of people liking it, you will never publish anything.
Use a Spelling and Grammar Checking
I use ProWritingAid but Grammarly is another popular spelling and grammar checker. It highlights errors as you write and you can use it to help you rewrite anything that seems too wordy or could be written better.
Don’t Obsess About Word Counts
Some blog posts will be longer, some will be shorter. Write what feels good to you for that blog post. Listen to your heart, if you get the urge to stop then do just that.
Write for the Internet
This one may be just for me but I like the style of writing for the internet. The Internet, people who read blogs (and Google!) like text divided up by headings. It makes your work easy to read and navigate through. And it makes it easier to write too. If you divide your work into headings, you have a good structure without having to think about it much.
Write What’s Important To You
We all have a limited time on this Earth, you’re going to die one day. Write about the things that matter to you. Think about what you want your legacy to be. The words you’re writing may stay on the Internet for many years to come, past your own lifetime. What kind of stuff do you want about yourself out there? What do you want to leave for others?
Don’t Get Distracted
It’s so easy to get distracted. For me, I’ll be writing and then I’ll just sit there and have been lost in thought for a while. Just be aware that this happens. To write your articles quickly, stay as focused and on task as you can.
Obviously, there are many other distractions – the whole Internet is one of them! Avoid having other tabs open so you don’t go down a rabbit hole of news, email and social media notifications.
Turn Off Your Phone
This could come under the above heading “Don’t Get Distracted” but it’s so important I think it warrants its own heading! Turn off your phone and put it in another room. If you need to, you can leave the ringer on for any important calls (I have mine on in case my son’s school phones) but other than that don’t look at it.
Let Go Of Expectations
Are you writing to get something? Perhaps you’re writing to get traffic, kudos or a book deal. Let go of expectations. If you expect to get something it will affect what you write about. You won’t be writing from the heart and it just won’t be as good. Write to put something out there and let it go.
Seth Godin, the successful author and entrepreneur, writes a blog article every day. Is he writing to get something? I believe the answer is no. He already has book deals and is inundated with requests for work every day. He writes to practice, for the process. Some of his blog posts are excellent. Others are not so good (at least in the eyes of some readers). But he wouldn’t write the excellent articles if he didn’t put it all out there. He can’t know for sure what’s going to resonate with people. And neither can you! What you think might be excellent might actually not be great for anybody else. And there will be those articles that you write which people will love that don’t work for you. Your expectations may stop you from putting your best work out there, so let go of them.
Repurpose Old Material
You may have written text and created things that can be published on your blog in another capacity. Perhaps you wrote an email helping somebody. Or you wrote a blog post elsewhere that you could use. It could be you created an infographic or wrote an insightful journal article. Think about where you’ve created and written stuff and see if you could use this material.
Use WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts
If you use WordPress to write your articles, learn WordPress shortcuts. It will make it much quicker to add a link, align text and changing the header size.
Keyboard shortcuts are enabled on a per-user setting, and can be turned on by visiting the Profile panel in Administration Screens > Users > Your Profile. Check the Keyboard Shortcuts checkbox to enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.
It’s quite easy to forget when the keyboard shortcuts are, so while you are learning them, it’s worth using the WordPress extension shortcut which has been developed by techwyse. I use it in my chrome browser, so I always have a reminder of what the keyboard shortcuts are.
Don’t Obsess About Having the Perfect Title
Your title doesn’t have to be the best SEO, most clickable title out there. Write a title that you think you would click on or be interested in and choose that one!
You can look at a few other titles of similar articles to get some inspiration if you want to. But if in doubt go with a “How To…” or numbered title such as “14 tips to…”
Keep it simple and easy.