Due to the hike in energy prices, taking a long shower has become incredibly expensive. According to the energy saving trust, we can save £95 a year by taking shorter showers.
There is also a case for taking fewer showers to save money. It’s possible that showering everyday isn’t good for our skin. In fact it can leave you with dry, irritated and cracked skin.
You can actually keep just as clean showering every other day (or even every 3 days!) with some of the tips below. As well as saving us money, shorter and fewer showers is also better for the environments. It’s a win win all round!
Find 14 tips for taking fewer and shorter showers and keep your energy bills down!
1.) Use leave in conditioner.
One less product to put on in the shower.
2.) Alternatively consider a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner product.
Using shampoo and conditioner in one will also save you time.
3.) Wash your body with water from the sink instead of showers on some days.
A head to one wash is as effective as cleaning your body in the shower.
4.) Don’t wash your hair every day.
It’s not good for your hair as it strips away the oils. This will keep showers shorter.
5.) Shave your legs separately from taking a full shower.
Lather up shaving foam on your legs first. Turn off the water, shave your legs and then turn on the shower water to rinse the foam away. You can keep clothes on your top half to stop you getting cold.
6.) Invest in dry shampoo.
This can freshen up your hair and stop it looking greasy without washing it everyday.
7.) Try the navy shower technique.
Turn on the water for 30 seconds. Then turn it off and lather up your body with soap and your hair with shampoo. Then turn the water back on to rinse the soap and shampoo away.
8.) Get all your products ready before you step into the shower.
Know where your razor, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner is before you turn on the water. This will save time hunting around for the right product while the shower is running.
9.) Time yourself.
It can be easy to lose track of time while showering. Have an alarm or a song playing so you know when you need to get out.
10.) Consider a cold or a cooler shower.
This is much better for your hair and skin as it won’t’ dry it out. There’s also evidence the cold showers helps increase immunity, can help depression and improves tolerance to stress and pain. It can definitely work for most people on hot days in the summer and you won’t want to stay in the water for long!
11.) Have a reward for getting out.
Sometimes it can be so hard to get out of a warm, steamy shower. Have something planned after the shower that’s worth getting out for. It can be something simple like your favorite breakfast or a hot cup of coffee.
12.) Make it a race.
Have a competition with yourself. See how quick you can shower and if you can make it quicker each time.
13.) Track how much you’re saving.
Keep a note of how long each shower is and make a note of how much you’re saving. When you see the figures add up it should motivate you to be quicker when showering. As well as saving money, you’ll also be saving time which can be another motivator. Having a few minutes extra in bed in the morning can be a great reward for a shorter shower.
14.) Wash your face out of the shower.
Use your facial wash in the sink instead.
15.) Use a loofah or sponge
A loofah or sponge lathers up soap quickly so speeds up washing time with shower gel and soap.
16.) Use the highest pressure for rinsing out shampoo and conditioner from hair (especially if it’s long)
Using the highest pressure setting on your shower means you can quickly and effectively rinse out the produce.
17.) Put an annoying alarm away from the shower.
Set an alarm for the time you want to spend in the shower. Then move the alarm to the other side of the bathroom. When it goes off you’ll quickly finish in the shower so you can get out and switch off the alarm quickly.