Top Timesaving Tips for Parents

1. ) Do your weekly grocery shopping online in 10 minutes using the Tesco App or another supermarket app.

The first online shop you do will take some time. After this all you will do is save time. I now do my shopping on the Tesco App on my phone in 10 minutes every week. Find out how it’s done. 

2.) Declutter, declutter, declutter.

Less stuff means less picking up, clearing up and tidying. Decluttering is the best thing I have ever done in my life. Decluttering also means less time spent buying stuff, cleaning stuff, finding storage space, looking for things, getting rid of items once they are finished with. Having less stuff also means spending less money on stuff.

3.) Invest in a dishwasher

The best invention ever. If you can’t fit one in your kitchen, get a tabletop dishwasher.

4.) Train your kids as early as possible.

The more they can do for themselves the less there is for you to do.

Toilet train, brush teeth. get dressed, tidy bedroom, put own clothes away, empty dishwasher, get PE kit and stuff ready for school, wash their own clothes

Another one I’m still working on as it takes more effort in the short term but in the long run it really pays off. Its also really great for their independence.

5.) Buy the same coloured socks.

All that time spent matching socks, what a waste of life. (Having said this, I still haven’t got this one mastered but I will one day!) This is what I currently do when sorting out socks.

6.) Look after yourself.

A personal one. For years I struggled with aneamia and I didn’t know. If you are sleep deprived, hungover, vitamin deficient, eat the wrong foods it will affect the amount of time it takes to do stuff.

7.) Cut down or give up the social media.

It’s a time sync. I have personal rules. No facebook first thing in the morning or late at night. How you decide to manage it is up to you.

8.) Don’t Iron (may not be for everybody)

When I buy clothes, I purposely choose clothes that don’t need much ironing. I rarely iron. I tend to tumble dry and shake out the clothes before hanging and find this sufficient.

9.) Tidy as you go

Take 5 minutes here and there to tidy up as you go. It saves on the overwhelm of massive mess. Also do things like looking for stuff to take downstairs or into other rooms as you go. If it becomes a habit you do it without even realising.

10.) Your Phone Is Your Friend

There is so many things you can do with your phone which will save you time. As well as doing my online shop with Tesco other apps I use include banking apps, google maps (never spend time getting lost),

11.) Family clean up

When the kids are old enough (and you can start quite young), have a massive family clear up once a week. Depending on their age kids can do a range of stuff from pickup up and putting away to vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom. You can also make it fun by playing timing games how quickly can you put these things away? Or make it competitive.  Perhaps a reward afterwards too.

Less stuff means less picking up, clearing up and tidying. Decluttering is the best thing I have ever done in my life. Decluttering also means less time spent buying stuff, cleaning stuff, finding storage space, looking for things, getting rid of items once they are finished with. Having less stuff also means spending less money on stuff.